
Writing at St Joseph's


Children learn a love of writing and develop confidence to share and communicate their ideas effectively through the written word. It is our intent to develop proficient and confident writers, which will allow them to succeed in all areas of the curriculum. Using high-quality texts and carefully planned learning sequences, we develop confident writers who enjoy writing for a range of audiences and purposes across a range of genres, including narrative writing, non-fiction texts, poetry, playscripts and classic texts.


We provide a stimulating text-based English curriculum using our Reading Spine where all children enjoy learning and feel confident and motivated as they become increasingly literate. We support children to develop a wide and rich vocabulary which will ensure that they are able to communicate their ideas, both written and verbal, effectively.


We create exciting and varied writing opportunities and use instant publishing to create tangible reasons for writing. We use technology to enhance the teaching of writing and to publish our written outcomes, developing their skills and preparing our children for the future.


To prepare children for writing, oracy is prioritised within lessons to support language acquisition, build vocabulary and develop sentence structure. We focus upon developing children’s speaking and listening skills through drama and debating, as well as supporting the development of children’s handwriting, spelling, grammar and punctuation proficiency.


Our Reading Spine 

Celebration of Work


Writing at St Joseph's


Children learn a love of writing and develop confidence to share and communicate their ideas effectively through the written word. It is our intent to develop proficient and confident writers, which will allow them to succeed in all areas of the curriculum. Using high-quality texts and carefully planned learning sequences, we develop confident writers who enjoy writing for a range of audiences and purposes across a range of genres, including narrative writing, non-fiction texts, poetry, playscripts and classic texts.


We provide a stimulating text-based English curriculum using our Reading Spine where all children enjoy learning and feel confident and motivated as they become increasingly literate. We support children to develop a wide and rich vocabulary which will ensure that they are able to communicate their ideas, both written and verbal, effectively.


We create exciting and varied writing opportunities and use instant publishing to create tangible reasons for writing. We use technology to enhance the teaching of writing and to publish our written outcomes, developing their skills and preparing our children for the future.


To prepare children for writing, oracy is prioritised within lessons to support language acquisition, build vocabulary and develop sentence structure. We focus upon developing children’s speaking and listening skills through drama and debating, as well as supporting the development of children’s handwriting, spelling, grammar and punctuation proficiency.


Our Reading Spine 

Celebration of Work


Writing at St Joseph's


Children learn a love of writing and develop confidence to share and communicate their ideas effectively through the written word. It is our intent to develop proficient and confident writers, which will allow them to succeed in all areas of the curriculum. Using high-quality texts and carefully planned learning sequences, we develop confident writers who enjoy writing for a range of audiences and purposes across a range of genres, including narrative writing, non-fiction texts, poetry, playscripts and classic texts.


We provide a stimulating text-based English curriculum using our Reading Spine where all children enjoy learning and feel confident and motivated as they become increasingly literate. We support children to develop a wide and rich vocabulary which will ensure that they are able to communicate their ideas, both written and verbal, effectively.


We create exciting and varied writing opportunities and use instant publishing to create tangible reasons for writing. We use technology to enhance the teaching of writing and to publish our written outcomes, developing their skills and preparing our children for the future.


To prepare children for writing, oracy is prioritised within lessons to support language acquisition, build vocabulary and develop sentence structure. We focus upon developing children’s speaking and listening skills through drama and debating, as well as supporting the development of children’s handwriting, spelling, grammar and punctuation proficiency.


Our Reading Spine 

Celebration of Work


Writing at St Joseph's


Children learn a love of writing and develop confidence to share and communicate their ideas effectively through the written word. It is our intent to develop proficient and confident writers, which will allow them to succeed in all areas of the curriculum. Using high-quality texts and carefully planned learning sequences, we develop confident writers who enjoy writing for a range of audiences and purposes across a range of genres, including narrative writing, non-fiction texts, poetry, playscripts and classic texts.


We provide a stimulating text-based English curriculum using our Reading Spine where all children enjoy learning and feel confident and motivated as they become increasingly literate. We support children to develop a wide and rich vocabulary which will ensure that they are able to communicate their ideas, both written and verbal, effectively.


We create exciting and varied writing opportunities and use instant publishing to create tangible reasons for writing. We use technology to enhance the teaching of writing and to publish our written outcomes, developing their skills and preparing our children for the future.


To prepare children for writing, oracy is prioritised within lessons to support language acquisition, build vocabulary and develop sentence structure. We focus upon developing children’s speaking and listening skills through drama and debating, as well as supporting the development of children’s handwriting, spelling, grammar and punctuation proficiency.


Our Reading Spine 

Celebration of Work
